
Monday 14 January 2008

"How To Flatten Your Flabby Belly " by Katie G.

"How To Flatten Your Flabby Belly"
I am A mother of 4, Had 2 c-sections and 2 normal deliveries. I started at 100 pounds, and ended up gaining an extra 70 pounds with each of my pregnancies!

I know what it feels like to still look pregnant A couple years after giving birth. Not being able to find clothes that look good on you anymore. Wanting to wear those cute low cut, hip hugging pants,but when you do, the excess skin hangs over, and thats just not very attractive,I NEEDED to find out how to flatten my flabby belly, and it got very deppressing for me. Not to mention the back pain and bad posture I had.

In this article, I will show you what I have learned, that will help you How To Flatten Your Flabby Belly! As well as help you develop a strong back. I hope you find this information as valubale as I have!

First of all I have to say, that the midsection is the most difficult place to lose weight and tone, esspecially in women! Before you start to lose any weight in that area, you first have to change the way you eat. Meaning, instead of 3 big meals a day, try 5 or 6 small meals a day. And don't forget to make sure those are healthy meals! It would also help tremendously, if you stay away from soda's. Drink water instead! You'll start to flatten your flabby belly in no time!

And if you are like me, you have probably spent a bunch of money on different machines and programs that promise to help you learn how to flatten your flabby belly. What I have learned in my endeaver is, *Sit ups *Ab Rollers *Infomercial Abdominal Machines *Endless Repitition of floor crunches *Starvation Diets AND *Fat Burning Pills


I tryed ALMOST all of these kinds of programs, and I have learned that if you don't focus on the core of your abs, then your NOT gonna get any results! I have found 44 excersises with 7 levels of workouts that Quickly Shrink Your Waistline, Lose Body Fat, Eliminate Low Back Pain And Develop A Stunning Set of Six Pack Abs While Gaining Strength, Muscle Tone And Raw Athletic Power At The Same Time...

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